Platelet-leucocyte conjugates

Our scientists have well established flow cytometric techniques to measure platelet-leucocyte interactions in fixed whole blood samples.

Activated platelets may adhere to leucocytes and form circulating Heterogeneous aggregates, platelet-leucocyte conjugates. The latter are considered a reliable marker of prothrombotic conditions and provide a link between inflammation and thrombosis, two central processes in atherogenesis.

The samples are fixed with the same fixative used for assessing aggregation in whole blood and the platelet-specific fluorescence (CD61) is assessed on leucocytes (CD14 positive monocytes are shown in the example).

The assay can also be performed using a 96-well plate format in combination with whole blood aggregation, allowing for measurement of platelet-leukocyte conjugates in small volumes of whole blood. This provides the benefit of having two platelet function readouts from the same sample.

Get in touch with our scientific team to understand how our established flow techniques can aid your drug discovery projects.

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