Platelet activation

Platelet Services specialise in assessing platelet activation markers with long-term fixation of the samples that can effectively support drug discovery and development.

Following activation platelets release the content of their granules and several markers become expressed on their membrane, which can be assessed by flow cytometry. P-selectin (CD62P) is a well-established and commonly used marker for measuring platelet activation.

Samples are fixed after stimulation and the analysis of P-selectin expression can be performed at a later stage. This is an end-point assay and a very small volume of sample is required to run this test, which makes this approach a desirable high-throughput platelet assay if multiple compounds/conditions need to be assessed.

Platelet activation in response to a range of concentrations of collagen related peptide (CRP) assessed in whole blood presented as P-selectin expression (MFI, median fluorescence intensity).

Platelet activation can be assessed in whole blood, platelet rich plasma or isolated (washed) platelets. Similarly to aggregation, the profile of platelet responses would differ in all three matrices.

P-selectin expression in whole blood (WB), platelet rich plasma (PRP) and washed platelets (WP) in response to stimulation with a range of concentrations of collagen related peptide (CRP) presented as P-selectin/FITC median fluorescence normalised to a maximum response within a sample.

Contact the team today to learn more about our expertise in identifying platelet activation markers that are required for drug discovery and development.

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